Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jay Sean's Live Performance had Everyone Dancing all Night!!!

On January 19th, 2010 the night was packed with lovely ladies dancing and having a great time with the one and only sensation Jay Sean! There was a great crowd and Jay Sean was sure to please with his great performance that will go down in Blush history as a truly sexy night.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sharam had Blush Slammed!!!

On January 12,2010 Blush had another big night Sharam from Deep Dish had Blush packed to absolute capacity with just about a thousand people full of high energy dancing the night away especially since Sharam's live set was almost the whole night ending minutes right before the club closed.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Review Journal 's Neon Nightlife Writes a Lightening Article!

On January 8,2010 The Las Vegas Review Journal's Neon Nightlife section wrote a wonderful review about Blush giving kodos for the amazing onyx dance floor that is lit by multicolor lights. To found out more about the article click the photo below to enlarge and read!

Celebrities Doing It Up Big!!

The club was packed this past Tuesday January 5,2010 for "The Big Hangover " event at Blush. We had the ever so funny comedian Eddie Griffin and friends took over the VIP Room partying the night away drinking bottles of the marvelous Vueve Champagne. Joining the Mr. Griffin was legendary NFL football star Warren Moon that played for teams Houston Oilers, Minnesota Vikings, Seattle Seahawks, and current broadcaster for the Seahawks.

Hitman After Party Huge Hit!!!

January 2,2010 Blush was full of UFC fighters,UFC fans, and Celebrities having a good time enjoy the aftermath of the UFC 108 and the Big win for UFC fighter Dave Meltzer a.k.a (Hitman)

The room was full of energy and everyone enjoying themselves. We had new American Gladiator William Romeo in the club having a great time with all the lovely ladies. The one and only Aaron Eckheart known as "Harvey Dent" and "Two Face" from Batman: The Dark Knight.